47+ Names That Mean Sun For Girls & Boys

Embrace the luminosity in baby names that mean sun—in the radiant realm of names meaning sun, weaving through leaves, creating enchanting possibilities. Amidst these names, a sense of warmth is conveyed, reflecting the gentle embrace of the sun. Glimpse into the collection, where each name embodies the sun’s enduring spirit, capturing its everlasting glow.

Dive into the brilliance of names related to the sun with its energy, infusing positivity into every syllable. Within this assortment, discover names that evoke the sun’s golden hues, symbolizing joy and optimism. Envision your child’s future brightened by a name that radiates sunshine. Choose a name that means sun with timeless brilliance, crafting a unique and meaningful identity for your little one.

Baby Names That Mean Sun

Solene (Girl): Of French origin, it means “radiant sunbeam.” A name that signifies warmth and brightness.

Helios (Boy): Greek in origin, means “sun god.” A powerful and mythical name for your son.

Savita (Girl): of Sanskrit origin, means “sun” or “radiant.” It is a beautiful name symbolizing the sun’s energy.

Cyrus (Boy): Persian in the head means “sun” or “throne.” A regal and radiant name for your little boy.

Surya (Boy): of Hindu origin, means “sun god.” A celestial name with deep cultural significance.

Soleil (Girl): French for “sun,” radiates warmth and light, making it a unique and elegant choice for your daughter.

Elara (Girl): of Greek origin, means “shining light” or “bright.” It’s a lovely name with a celestial touch.

Apollo (Boy): Greek in origin, means “sun god” or “destroyer.” A firm and radiant name for your little boy.

Kalinda (Girl): of Sanskrit origin, means “sun.” It is a charming and melodic name with a sunny feel for your daughter.

Oriana (Girl): Italian for “sunrise,” represents the dawn and the beginning of a new day.

Ravi (Boy): Of Sanskrit origin, it means “sun.” A short and powerful name that radiates positivity.

Cira (Girl): of Italian heritage, means “sun.” A simple yet vibrant name for your baby girl.

Raiden (Boy): Japanese for “thunder and lightning,” symbolizing the sun’s powerful energy.

Soraya (Girl): Persian in origin, means “radiant” or “luminous.” A name that exudes brightness for your daughter.

Samson (Boy): of Hebrew origin, means “sun.” A strong and timeless name for your baby boy.

Girl Names That Mean Sun

Sorina: Sorina, of Romanian origin, means “sunrise.” It symbolizes the dawn of new beginnings and endless possibilities.

Liora: Liora, from Hebrew roots, signifies “my light.” A name that radiates brightness and warmth.

Eithne: Eithne, an Irish name, translates to “kernel” or “grain.” It embodies the nurturing essence of sunlight.

Marisol: Marisol, of Spanish origin, means “sea and sun.” A name evoking the soothing blend of ocean and sunlight.

Shamsa: Shamsa, rooted in Arabic, translates to “sun.” This name reflects the brilliance and power of sunlight.

Cira: Cira, of Italian origin, means “sun.” A name capturing the captivating glow of the sun.

Elestren: Elestren, from Cornish origins, signifies “radiance.” A name embodying the shining light of the sun.

Nyxeira: Nyxira, a unique creation, combines elements of “night” and “sun.” It represents the luminosity breaking through the darkness.

Apollonia: Apollonia, inspired by Greek mythology, means “sun-like.” A name with a celestial and radiant aura.

Solita: Solita, derived from Latin, translates to “little sun.” A name expressing the small but potent glow of sunlight.

Arevik: Arevik, of Armenian origin, means “like the sun.” This name radiates warmth and positive energy.

Soledad: from Spanish roots, Soledad means “solitude” or “loneliness.” A name reflecting the quiet beauty of sunlight.

Helena: Helena, a variant of Helen, means “light” in Greek—a name embodying the illuminating quality of the sun.

Suryani: Suryani, of Indonesian origin, means “solar.” A name representing the vibrant energy of the sun.

Valoria: Valoria, a modern creation, combines “valor” and “sun.” A name symbolizing the strength and warmth of sunlight.

Ishita: Ishita, rooted in Sanskrit, means “sunray.” A name capturing the essence of the sun’s gentle and nurturing rays.

Boy Names That Mean Sun

Aarush: Aarush, of Indian origin, means “first ray of the sun.” It symbolizes new beginnings and radiant energy.

Cyrus: Cyrus, with Persian roots, signifies “sun” or “throne.” A name reflecting regal strength and solar brilliance.

Apollo: inspired by Greek mythology, Apollo represents the god of the sun—a name with celestial power and radiance.

Lucian: Lucian, of Latin origin, means “light” or “illumination.” A name embodying the brilliance of sunlight.

Samson: Samson, of Hebrew origin, means “sun.” A name conveying strength and the radiant power of sunlight.

Ravi: Ravi, rooted in Sanskrit, translates to “sun.” A name resonating with the warmth and energy of sunlight.

Soleo: Soleo, a Latin-derived name, means “to comfort” or “to soothe.” A phrase reflecting the comforting nature of sunlight.

Elio: Elio, inspired by Italian and Spanish, means “sun.” A name with a continental flair, capturing solar essence.

Helios: Helios, from Greek mythology, is the personification of the sun—a name representing the sun’s majestic radiance.

Kazuko: Kazuko, of Japanese origin, means “child of the sun.” A name celebrating the innocence and brightness of youth.

Shimon: with Hebrew roots, Shimon means “heard by God.” A name blending divine acknowledgment with the sun’s illumination.

Suryansh: Suryansh, of Indian origin, signifies “part of the sun.” A name expressing a deep connection to solar energy.

Oriol: Oriol, from Catalan, means “golden.” A name reflecting the golden hues and warmth associated with sunlight.

Haruhi: Haruhi, of Japanese origin, means “spring sunshine.” A name capturing the refreshing and vibrant nature of sunlight.

Soloman: Soloman, a variant of Solomon, means “peace” and “sun.” A name blending tranquility with solar influence.

Theron: Theron, of Greek origin, means “hunter” or “chaser.” A name embodying the pursuit of the sun’s brilliance.

Last Names That Mean Sun

  1. Sunfield
  2. Solstice
  3. Solaris
  4. Brightman
  5. Lumisun
  6. Solario
  7. Helioth
  8. Rayburn
  9. Sunspear
  10. Sunhaven
  11. Solvang
  12. Daystar
  13. Solaris
  14. Blazeheart
  15. Soltero

Read More: Names That Mean Pure

FAQs About Names That Mean Sun

What significance do baby names inspired by the sun carry in various cultures worldwide?

Sun-themed names often symbolize positivity, warmth, and cultural nuances, offering diverse meanings across traditions.

How can parents balance choosing a unique sun-inspired name and ensuring its practicality?

Selecting a distinctive sun-themed name involves considering the uniqueness and the name’s ease of everyday use.

Are there trends in sun-inspired baby names, and how can parents stay updated on them?

Trends in sun-themed names evolve; staying connected through online forums and resources ensures current inspiration.

Do certain sun-inspired names hold specific historical or mythological significance?

Some names draw from historical or mythological roots, adding layers of meaning and cultural depth to the choice.

How can a sun-themed name impact a child’s identity and self-esteem as they grow?

While a name doesn’t determine identity, a positive, sun-inspired name may foster resilience and self-confidence.

Are there considerations regarding sibling names when choosing a sun-inspired name for a new baby?

Harmonizing sibling names in theme or meaning can create a cohesive and meaningful bond within the family.

Final Word

Reflecting warmth, positivity, and endurance, these names that mean sun weave a unique narrative for each child. Embracing the sun’s vitality, parents embark on a journey to craft an identity filled with joy. As we traverse the collection, envisioning golden hues and gentle embraces, the timeless resonance of these names emerges. The sun’s energy, mirrored in these choices, symbolizes a positive future. Navigating the possibilities, parents find names that encapsulate the sun’s eternal glow. Each selection of first or last names that mean sun tells a story of optimism, promising a bright and meaningful path for the newest family member. Choose a name meaning sun with brilliance, etching a luminous legacy for generations to come.


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