Baby Names that Mean Smart? If the name reflects the meaning Smart, your baby is proud of you. So get any Names that Mean Smart from our list.
Here you will get the deep meaning and origin of each name.
If you want your little one to imbibe this particular quality, consider giving him smart baby names. We also have an entire collection for you.
So, go ahead and select your favorite and unique Baby Names that Mean Smart, intelligent, clever or genius from our list below.
Baby Boy Names That Mean Smart, Intelligent and Wise
Your little one deserves the best name in the world, and it should be trendy as well as meaningful. There are many baby boy names meaning intelligent given in the sorted list below.
- The name Alvis means “Elf Wise” and is of English origin. Alvis is a baby name for boys.
- Alfred is a masculine name of English origin, meaning “counsel”. Its feminine form is Alfreda, and the diminutives of Alfred include Alf, Alfie, Fred, and Freddy.
- Albert is a popular name. It comes from the Germanic Adalbert and Adelbert, containing the words adal (“noble”) and beraht (“bright”, compare Robert).
- Aakil is a boy’s name of Hindi origin that means “intelligent, smart”
- The name Apollo boy’s name is pronounced er-POH-loh. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Apollo is “destroyer”.
The name Alden is a boy’s name of English origin that means “old, wise friend”.
The name Aldo boy’s name is pronounced ALL-doh. This is of Italian and Old German origin, and the meaning of Aldo is “old one, elder”.
The name Boman is a boy’s name that means “great mind”.
Beowulf is a boy’s name of English origin meaning “bee wolf”. It is an ancient name of the hero of the epic Beowulf.
Bertrand is German and of French origin, that means “magnificent crow”. It is the name of famed philosopher, mathematician and Nobel laureate Bertrand Russell.
Cato is a boy’s name of Latin origin that means “all-knowing”.

Conroy is a boy’s name and pronounced KAHN-roy. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Conroy is “wise advisor or man”.
Charles is of German, French origin and that means “free man”. The name derives from the Germanic name Karl.
- In Astrology for Baby Name Cong min with meaning “Intelligent”. This name is from the Christian origin.
It comes from the Proto-Germanic name Konrad, from conja and the meaning is “bold” and rad “counsel”. It was the name of a 10th-century bishop of Constance.
Dara is a Muslim name for baby boys and its meaning is “Possessor” or “sovereign” and “Halo”. The word “Odara” derives from the Brazilian indigenous Ioruba word dara.
It was Hindi name of indian origin Baby Names the meaning of the name Dheemant is “Intelligent, smart”.
Ethan is a male name of Hebrew origin which means “firm, enduring, strong and long-lived”.
Favian is a boy’s name of Latin origin, and that meaning is “man of wisdom”.
They originated in the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish forms of Frode. The meaning of the name is “clever, learned, wise”.
The name Hugo is a surname and masculine name of Germanic origin, meaning “mind”.
Huey means “Bright In Mind” and “Spirit” and is of German origin. Diminutive of the name Hugh.
It was a Muslim name of Arabic origin, Hakim ‘learned’ and ‘wise’. Al-Hakim ‘the All-Wise’ is an attribute of Allah.
John is derived from the Hebrew Yohanan Origin, meaning “graced by God”.
- The name Kendry in the Malagasy origin, that means “A Man that is Wise”.
Mendel is mostly a Yiddish variant form of the Hebrew origin. that means “comforter”.
- Mika is a girl’s name the variant of Micah (Hebrew) and Miki (Japanese, Hawaiian), and the meaning of Mika is “lord, who resembles God?, three trees together, quick, nimble”.
It is a German origin nickname for a surly person, from a derivative of Middle High German nast ‘knot’.
Quinn is a boy’s name and pronounced kwin. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Quinn is “counsel”.
Ronald is a popular name derived from the Old Norse Rögnvaldr, or possibly from Old English Regenweald.
Rainier is a boy’s name of German origin that means “wise army”. European royals name and to Americans a place-name evoking the majestic mountains of Washington state.
Redmond is a boy’s name of Irish origin and the meaning “wise protector”. The Irish form of the Germanic name that occurs in modern English is Raymond.
- The meaning of Reginald is “King”. The name is derived from the Latin Reginaldus, which has been comed the Latin word regina, meaning “queen”.
Raymond is a male name. It originated as the Germanic Raginmund or Reginmund. meaning “counsel”.
The meaning of the name is: “Wise and Powerful”. It was Gaelic, of Scottish origin.
The name Socrates means “Whole Rule” and is of Greek origin. Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher and writer.
Shannon means “old river” is an Irish name. The variant Shanna is an Anglicisation of Sionna.
Senan is the most common name in Ireland. It is a boy’s name, simply pronounced SE-nan. The meaning of the name is “brightness”.
Solomon is a boy’s name of Hebrew origin that means “peace”. The biblical Solomon, the son of David and Bathsheba, succeeded his father as king of Israel, and was known for his wisdom.
Solon was an Athenian statesman, lawmaker and poet. The English word solon means “wise lawmaker”.
It literally means “cover” in Hebrew. Tallis/Tallit is the fringed shawl worn by Jewish men during their morning prayers.
Vivek (Devanagari script) is a popular name that is popular in South Asia, particularly India and Nepal. It is of Sanskrit origin and means “wisdom” and/or “knowledge”.
- Zeki means “Clever” and is of Turkish origin. It is a name that’s been used for boys.
Baby Girl Names That Mean Smart, Intelligent and Wise
- Alberta is a feminine name. It comes from the Germanic words Adal “Noble” and Beraht “Right”.
Akilah is a girl’s name and pronounced AH-Kee-Lah. It is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Akilah is “bright, intelligent”.
Abbey means “Nunnery” and is of English origin. It is a name that’s been used for girls. Also a short form of the name Abigail meaning “Joy of the Father”
Athena means “Goddess Of Wisdom & War” and is of Greek origin. The city of Athens, Greece was named after the goddess Athena.
Anne is spelled by Ann, is a form of the Latin female given name Anna. This is Hebrew Hannah origin, which means ”favour” or ‘”grace”.
Alvie means “Wise friend”. From the Old English Aetheiwine, and also Aefwine, both mean noble friend.
Belle is a French feminine name that means “beautiful”. It refers to a beautiful or very attractive young woman.
Bernadette is a female French name form of the name Bernard, which means “brave bear”.
Berit is a girl’s name of Scandinavian and Dutch origin, and the meaning is “gorgeous, splendid, magnificent”.
- Bernadea is a girl’s name of French and Old German origin, and the meaning is “strong, brave bear”.
Bertha is a female Germanic name, from Old High German berhta that means “bright one”.
Cassidy’s name is derived from an Irish surname and ultimately from the Goidelic name Caiside, meaning “clever” or “curly-haired”.
Chalondra is pronounced CHSHEYLOWNDRAH †. Its origin is African. The meaning of the name is ”an intelligent woman”.
It is a girl’s name an Old German name, and Ethelind means “noble serpent”.
Farzana’s name meanings in English are “Wise and Smart”. People are believed to have had their Lucky Days according to their names.
In German origin Baby Names that means “Intelligent”.
Galena is a girl’s name that means “calm”. It is the feminine of the Galen.
- Huberta is a girl’s name of Old German origin that means “Brilliant Mind”. It is a feminine form of Hubert.
The name Kyna means “Family, Kin, Intelligence, Intelligent”. People with the name Kyna have a deep connection with spirituality.
Kayla is a girl’s name of Irish and Gaelic origin that means “slim and fair”.
Labiba is a Muslim Girl’s Name. Labiba’s name means “Wise, Intelligent”. The name originated from Arabic.
The name Monique means “Advisor” and is of French origin.
Michiko is a Japanese name, used for females. Common forms include “beautiful wise child”
Minerva is a girl’s name of Latin origin that means “the mind”. It was a Roman goddess of wisdom, equivalent to the Greek goddess Athena.
Minda is a girl’s name that has English and Greek origins. The meaning is “honey, gentle, soft, tender”.
Aramaic and Hebrew via Latin and Greek origin . Meaning. “bitter”, “beloved”, “rebelliousness”, “wished-for child”, “marine”, “drop of the sea”.
Scottish origin and In Gaelic, it means “comely.” It can also mean “child of the wise leader” and “born of fire”.
Najiba is a Muslim Girl’s Name. It means “Gentleman, Respectable Person”. The name originated from Arabic.
Pallas is a girl’s name of Greek origin that means “wisdom”. It was another name for Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom.
Prudence is a feminine name. The name is a Medieval form of the Latin Prudentia, meaning prudence is “good judgment”.
Sage is a girl’s name of Latin origin that means “wise”. It is an evocatively fragrant herbal name that also connotes wisdom, giving it a double advantage.
Sorcha is a Gaelic feminine name. It is common in Irish and Scottish Gaelic languages, and is derived from the Old Irish word sorchae, soirche. meaning “brightness”.
Salvia is a girl’s name of Latin origin that means “whole or healthy”.
Sonia’s name means “Beautiful, Pretty, Wise, Wisdom. It was the most popular name.
Sophia is spelled by Sofia, is a feminine name, from the Greek word, Sophía, “Wisdom”. The derived forms include Sophie and Sofie.
Saffi is a girl’s name of Greek origin, and the meaning is “wisdom”. It is related to the name Sophia.
Tomoyo means “Intelligent” and is of Japanese origin.
Ulima is a girl’s name of Arabic origin meaning “astute or wise”.
Veda is a girl’s name of Sanskrit origin meaning “knowledge or wisdom”. The Vedas are the four sacred books of the Hindus.
- Veta is a girl’s name that has Hebrew and Sanskrit origins. It means “God’s promise, God is my oath, knowledge, wisdom”.
Wisdom means “Experience, Knowledge, And Good Judgment” and is of English origin.
Zakiya, Zakiyah, Zakiyya or Zakieh may represent two different female given names of Arabic origin, meaning “pure”, corresponding the male name, meaning “intelligent”.
Read Also: Top 65 Unique Baby Name That Mean Hunter: Origin and Meaning
A person whose name means smart and wise ought to inculcate these traits in him. If you wish to see your baby’s names that means smart growing into a man who can handle his life very wisely.
Choosing his name will help in rendering the same vibes on his personality and he will grow into an intellectual individual. The positivity of his name would be seen in his life as well.
I hope you have selected Names that Mean Smart for your newborn Baby. If you have any query please ask in comment. We will reply to you as soon as possible.
And congratulations on being a parent.
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