45+ Baby Names That Mean Greed With Their Origins

Indulge in the intriguing realm of names that exude a captivating aura of avarice and desire. Uncover the allure of names that mean greed, each syllable resonating with a nuanced sense of yearning and ambition. You can explore the subtleties of names meaning greed, where every phonetic element weaves a story of relentless aspiration. 

Embrace the mystique of these greedy names, reflecting the complexity of human nature and the timeless fascination with wealth and abundance. Whether you seek inspiration for a character, these names promise a journey into the profound depths of human emotion.

Baby Names That Mean Greed

Avaris (Unisex): Inspired by the Latin word “avaritia,” it means greed or avarice.

Xerxes (Male): Derived from the Persian word “zar,” meaning gold, associated with wealth and greed.

Cupidia (Female): Rooted in the Latin word “cupiditas,” translating to excessive desire or greed.

Plutos (Male): Named after the Greek god of wealth, symbolizing worldly desires and greed.

Lucra (Female): Derived from the Latin word “lucrum,” meaning profit or gain, reflecting a worldly nature.

Hordia (Unisex): Inspired by the Old English word “hord,” meaning hoard or treasure, associated with greed.

Argentus (Male): Rooted in the Latin word “argentum,” meaning silver, symbolizing wealth and greed.

Covetra (Female): In English, a modern name derived from the word “covet,” expressing an intense desire often associated with greed.

Miseria (Female): Derived from the Latin word “miseria,” meaning misery or distress, reflecting the consequences of greed.

Dzidra (Female): Inspired by the Latvian word “dzidrs,” meaning clear or pure, ironically associated with greed.

Fortuna (Female): Rooted in the Latin word “fortuna,” meaning fortune, with an ironic twist towards greed and wealth.

Dolorus (Male): Derived from the Latin word “dolor,” meaning pain or sorrow, reflecting the negative consequences of greed.

Opulentia ( Female): Inspired by the Latin word “opulentia,” meaning wealth or abundance, often linked to greed.

Argenta (Female): In Italian origin, a variation of Argentus emphasizes the association with silver and worldly desires.

Plentus (Male): Rooted in the Latin word “plenus,” meaning full or abundant, ironically related to insatiable greed.

Girl Names That Mean Greed

Avareen: Derived from “avarice” in English, it symbolizes an ambitious and desire-driven nature.

Variations: Avarin.

Covetia: Rooted in the Latin word “cupiditas,” expressing an intense desire for wealth or possessions.

Variations: Covetea.

Gloria: In Greek origin, it is inspired by “pleonexia,” conveying the concept of excessive desire and greed.

Variations: Gimorea.

Lucretia: In Italian origin, it is derived from “lucro,” representing a strong desire for financial gain.

Variations: Lucrelea.

Profitia: Derived from the Latin word “proficio,” meaning to make progress, often associated with financial gain.

Desirine: In French origin, it is a play on the word “desire,” embodying an intense longing for possessions.

Variations: Deserine.

Avidara: Rooted in the Sanskrit “avidya,” symbolizing a solid craving for material success.

Variations: Avidaraa.

Greedara: Combining the idea of greed with clarity in desire.

Variations: Gridara.

Venalia: In Latin origin, it is derived from “venalis,” reflecting a willingness to be bought or sold, often associated with avarice.

Variations: Venalea

Doloura: In Spanish origin, it is inspired by “dolor,” representing a profound and insatiable longing for wealth.

Cravonia: In Old English, it is a creative blend of “crave” and “covet,” symbolizing a strong desire for material possessions.

Aquisita: In Latin origin, it is rooted in “acquisita,” expressing a constant pursuit and acquisition of material wealth.

Materielle: In French origin, it is derived from “matériel,” representing a strong desire for tangible possessions.

Variation: Materiella.

Opulenta: In Latin origin, it is inspired by “opulent,” conveying a sense of abundance and avarice for wealth.

Greedia: In Modern English, it is a straightforward and playful combination of “greed” with a feminine ending.

Variations: Greedea.

Fortunata: In Italian origin, though traditionally positive, in this context, it represents an intense desire for fortune.

Cupidora: In Latin/Greek origin, it is a fusion of “cupid” and “Dora,” symbolizing an overwhelming desire for wealth and possessions.

Variations: Cupidorra.

Boy Names That Mean Greed

Avaron: In English origin, Derived from “avarice,” Avaron signifies an inclination towards material wealth.

Covetous: This Latin-inspired name implies a desire for possessions or wealth.

Variations: Covetas.

Epitan: Rooted in the Greek word “epithumia,” Epitan translates to an intense craving or desire.

Variations: Epetas.

Tharvius: Inspired by Old Norse, Tharvius suggests a strong desire for wealth or possessions.

Variations: Tharveus.

Lucrus: Rooted in Latin, Lucrus conveys a sense of financial gain or profit.

Greedon: A modern English name, Greedon directly reflects the theme of greed or avarice.

Variations: Greedan

Demanthos: In Greek origin, it is derived from “deme,” meaning village, and “anthos,” meaning flower; Demanthos subtly implies a desire for prosperity.

Voracio: Rooted in Latin, Voracio suggests an insatiable appetite or craving.

Variations: Voraceo.

Lucretius: A Roman-inspired name, Lucretius signifies an association with wealth and gain.

Desirio: Rooted in Spanish, Desirio reflects a strong desire or longing, especially for material possessions.

Variations: Desireo.

Cupidus: In Latin origin, it is derived from “cupiditas,” meaning desire. Cupidus implies a strong inclination towards acquiring more.

Gazzaro: Rooted in Italian, Gazzaro suggests a keen interest in accumulating wealth.

Plutos: Inspired by the Greek god of wealth, Plutus, this name signifies a connection to riches.

Avadon: In Hebrew origin, it is derived from “avad,” meaning to work. Avadon suggests a strong desire for material success through labor.

Fortunio: Rooted in Latin, Fortunio implies a strong desire for fortune and prosperity.

Read More About: Names That Mean Unexpected

FAQs About The Names That Mean Greed

Can a name genuinely reflect a person’s nature?

While a name may carry connotations, it’s crucial to recognize that individuals shape their 

destinies, transcending the labels assigned to them.

How do names that mean greed reflect cultural perceptions?

Names that convey greed often carry deep cultural significance. They may be rooted in cautionary tales, folklore, or historical events, offering insights into how different societies have perceived and interpreted the concept of greed over time.

Are there positive aspects associated with names that mean greedy?

While “greed” generally carries a negative connotation, some names may be used to convey ambition, drive, or a desire for success. The interpretation of these names depends on cultural and individual perspectives.

How can the exploration of such names contribute to self-awareness?

Delving into names that mean greed prompts introspection, encouraging individuals to contemplate the values and traits embedded in language. It serves as a reminder of the complexities of human behavior and the continual evolution of societal attitudes towards vices such as greed.

Can names influence behavior?

While names may influence perceptions, behavior is a complex interplay of various factors. It’s essential to avoid oversimplification.

Do these names have historical significance?

In some cases, yes. Specific names with greedy undertones may have historical roots, adding depth to their meanings.


Uncover the intriguing meanings behind these unique names that mean greed. Exploring names that convey the concept of greed provides us with a thought-provoking journey into the intricacies of language and human nature. As linguistic symbols, names hold the power to encapsulate profound meanings and reflect the values and traits we find significant in our lives. 

Examining names associated with greed serves as a reminder of the diverse ways cultures and societies express and interpret this complex human characteristic. Whether rooted in historical contexts, literature, or mythology, these names carry a weighty significance that transcends mere linguistic labels.


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